Featured image: My triple setup (awaiting the bezel-free kit)
Have you spent absolutely ages messing around with NVIDIA surround? It can be frustrating, can’t it?
Fortunately, there’s a quick and easy way to set up your triples in iRacing’s “rendererDX11Monitor.ini” file, without having to use Nvidia surround. The”rendererDX11Monitor.ini” file supersedes the original, now obsolete approach, which was to use the app.ini file.
In today’s post, I’ll show you how to set up triple monitors in iRacing without needing NVIDIA surround.
Firstly, head into iRacing and check that you’re in “Full Screen” and “Borderless Mode”. Close iRacing.
Find rendererDX11Monitor.ini
iRacing’s rendererDX11Monitor.ini file is located in your documents folder.
In my case, that’s: C:\Users\Richard Baxter\Documents\rendererDX11Monitor.ini
Before you begin, it might be wise to copy the default file and rename it to something like backup_rendererDX11Monitor.ini
Once you have rendererDX11Monitor.ini opened, scroll down to “[Display]” (I just use notepad for this!)
Scroll a little further to find “windowedHeight=“, “windowedWidth=” and “windowedXPos=“.
“windowedHeight=” Is the vertical resolution of your monitors, so a 1440p monitor (in my case) would be: windowedHeight=1440.
“windowedWidth=” is the monitor’s horizontal pixel width, multiplied by 3. So I have three 2560×1440 monitors, taking the total pixel “windowedWidth=7680”.
“windowedXPos=” Is an offset using the value of the horizontal resolution of your monitor so -2560 like so: “windowedXPos=-2560”.
Once you’ve updated these settings, save and close the file.
Finally, make sure that your monitor order is set so that you have the correct centre monitor. In Windows display settings, it should look like this:
Open iRacing and, entering into a simulation session, the image should now spread across all 3 monitors. This leaves a FOV change to take care of and you’re ready to go!
I can see the windows Start bar in one of more of my triple monitors!
Don’t worry, this is a common issue. Most of the time the fix is to return to Windows display properties and make sure that all of your monitors are aligned along the bottom. If you look at the screenshot of Windows display settings above, they’re pixel-perfect matched along the bottom. You may find that your rendererDX11Monitor.ini has been changed – re-open the file and double-check for the correct pixel sizes. When the monitors are misaligned in this way, iRacing takes the initiative and compensates for it by adding pixels to your monitor!
The final step is to set the FOV and triple angle correctly, for which we need to jump to the triple monitors section on our FOV guide, here. Or, read the full article on FOV settings to build a really complete, and perfectly set up rig. Enjoy!
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Topic: iRacing